It's Time: Spotlight Gatherings

As we begin our capital campaign, we are taking some time to focus on the wide range of current ministries and missions that are active here at Bluff Park UMC through a series of Spotlight Gatherings.

It's Time for us to Celebrate Our Missions and Ministries

Join us for our Spotlight Gatherings in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, October 12th*, from 6 to 7pm and Sunday, October 16th, from 2 to 3pm and celebrate the impact our ministries are currently making in our community, and then dream about how that impact could increase when we become debt free. On these nights we will sing and worship together, hear stories from our ministry leaders, cast vision for our potential future and remember our calling to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. We look forward to seeing you there!

*Nursery will be provided on October 12th
© 2022 Bluff Park United Methodist Church